Team Details

Expediting Service

Expediting is a concept in purchasing and project management for securing the quality and timely delivery of goods and components Expediting is especially needed in large scale projects, for example, in shipbuilding or when a refinery is being erected, because a delay caused by late delivery or inferior quality will increase expense and could lead to unsatisfied clients, thus the loss of a project or reputational damage. To save these unnecessary costs and minimize potential risks, the supplier and customer may agree on the use of a third-party expeditor. These are experts from companies specializing in this field who keep track of the deadlines, supervise progress on site and check whether the components are properly packed

Expediting Process in detail:
  • General information

  • Overall status

  • Engineering & Documentation

  • Procurement Status

  • Production/Machining/Fabrication/Assembly

  • Test & Inspection

  • Special Tools Accessories & Spare Parts

  • Shipping Information

  • Table of Sub – orders

  • Table of Documents status

General Information:
  • Date of receipt of Purchase Order

  • Delivery Terms (Ex-works, FOB, onsite etc…)

  • Contractual Delivery date

  • Project No.

  • Manufacturers Reference No.

  • Are there Vendors in between, who is the contractor

  • Scope of Supply

  • Order confirmation sent??? If Yes when?

  • All relevant Persons in charge with Tel. and E-mail

  • Is there a deviation between the delivery dates?

Overall status:
  • What is the current status of the order?

  • Are there any difficulties or problems appeared???

  • Is a production plan / schedule available?

  • If not already received from the client, Ask for an unpriced copy of the P.O. and / or order confirmation

Engineering & Documentation:
  • Is a documentation schedule / Index available?

  • Have all documents, mentioned in the P.O., been received?

    • • Material Requisition
    • • Approved Data sheets
    • • Project Specifications
    • • List of required documents
  • Has Engineering work started already?

  • Are there Documents to be submitted to client for Info or Approval

  • Which documents were already submitted for Approval?

  • Which documents are due or overdue

  • What is the approval status and Rev.

  • Are there any documents unclear?

  • Example of documents to be submitted to for approval

    • • GA Drawings, Layout and foundation drawings
    • • Welding Procedures and Qualifications
    • • Welders Qualification
    • • NDT Procedures and Operator Qualifications
    • • Testing procedures
    • • List of Sub suppliers
    • • List of Instrumentation
    • • Wiring diagram
    • • Piping diagram
  • Status of engineering has to be followed up each visit.

  • Are there problems or difficulties appeared that start of production is jeopardized?

Procurement Status:
  • What Parts are the major key parts of the order?

  • Who are the sub-suppliers? Company& Location, order No.

  • Has material already been ordered?

  • Are Confirmations of the Sub-suppliers available?

  • Are the parts confirmed in accordance with theproduction schedule???

  • Has Production already started???

  • Is the status of Production in accordance with the production schedule?

  • Are there any parts manufactured by Sub-contractors (machining, coating etc...)

  • Verify the status during shop visit.

  • What are the working hours in the shop??? 2 shift / 3 shift / weekend /

  • What is the current shop load

  • Is a back-up plan available? if something went wrong

  • Are there holidays or shutdowns planned within the delivery period

Test & Inspection:
  • Is for this order a Customer or 3rd party inspection agreed?

  • Is an ITP available??? (Approval status???)

  • What inhouse inspections will be carried out???

  • Are the inspections already scheduled?

  • Are there any inspections at Sub-contractors?

  • Are there any special conditions???

Special Tools Accessories & Spare Parts:
  • Does the order include any kind of special tools,accessories or Spare parts???

  • Are these needed for Technical Erection orcommissioning?

  • Are these to be separately ordered???

  • Is the order placed? Status

Shipping Information:
  • Has the shipping method been defined???

  • Who is responsible for shipment?

  • Is already shipment arranged???

  • Obtain info as there are:

    • • ETD (Estimated time of departure)
    • • ETA (Estimated time of arrival)
    • • Name of Vessel
    • • Truck Forwarder
    • • Airway Bill No. (only Airfreight)
  • Is there special packing to be performed??? Sirex wood???

  • Evaluation of received information

  • Is there any delay appeared???

    • • What is the reason???
    • • If Yes what could be a possible solution???
    • • If Yes, Discussion of possible improvements
  • Expeditors Opinion, (refer to experiences)

  • Expeditors recommendation.

  • Insist always on a deadline in case of outstanding actions!